It’s OK To Cry, Tears Clear Our Vision

Written by Mardon Hickford. Posted in Uncategorized

J and capeNo easy way to start this… no NED. Not yet. I have to admit, we’re so very disappointed. Not in Jake, not in our treatments or Docs or in anything we have done or could do… just disappointed that Jacob must continue to endure all of this. Saddened that God’s will and mine just aren’t on the same page right now and that I can’t see where all of this is going. I like answers but there are none to be had in the great scheme of this disease. We are getting closer. Our Docs are very happy with what they saw. I believe by their excitement, that his results are better than what they anticipated and when we put aside what WE wanted, the news really is positive. But the bottom J and cape2line is… we are going to Dallas. Jake will begin MIBG treatment in a little over a week. There is a lot to do. There are lots of little

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details with the kids and back-to-school and travel arrangements that need to be worked out. There isn’t much time to wallow but I kinda want to. Some days it feels like a part of our lives are just gone. Lost. So tonight we might wallow a little and tomorrow, we’ll pick ourselves up by the bootstraps and move on. Here is what we learned today… there is still disease in his skull, one of his hips, the knee area that was our initial symptom of disease is still pretty dark, and there are still areas in the legs. The biggest praise… NOTHING present in the2013-08-14 17.31.41 liver! The spots are gone! And the origination spot in the abdomen where the tumor and adrenal gland were removed continues to be clear. There really are lots of praises with these tests. It was a week full of zig-zags. We went in Tuesday for Jake’s bone aspiration only to find that his platelets had dropped 30 points and without a transfusion he couldn’t have the procedure. We jumped that hurdle and yesterday when they placed the IV, it had issues. We actually had to take him off the scan table and back to the room to work through that. His little veins are so done. We pushed thru and it worked for us eventually only to find that it had blown today when we were ready to use it again. We had to go for the other arm. It didn’t want to take at first either but with a little digging it finally came thru. (I just want to cry as he screams while they have to dig in his veins to get them to work.) Today, we tried something new for his MIBG and didn’t sedate him. It was a lesson. It was 50 minutes and he did well for a good part of it but when they had to tie his arms down, his head straight forward and bring that machi2013-08-15 15.30.09ne about an inch from his nose, he lost it. And quietly, I did too. He’s not quite ready for that one without sedation. If that part of the scan was a couple of minutes it would be fine, but it was twenty and he’s only five. He recovered and tonight he’s a happy boy… all is forgotten because of a special trip to Toys R Us from a very special little friend – thank you Eli! So now we keep trekking along. I ask for prayer over our trip to Cook’s Children’s Hospital on Monday. We will go for the day to 2013-08-13 10.03.49-1meet our team there. And here’s the BIG ONE… please start praying over Jakey’s Blankedy. We found one that looks very much like his old one but so far he wants nothing to do with it. This could be the hardest part of this treatment as this is where so much of his comfort comes from and it won’t be in the room with him. I also ask you to continue to lift up our little friend, Sean. He is hanging in there strong and brave, and we are keeping the FAITH. Miracles happen! I don’t think we can ever express how much it means to us to have you all walking this road with us. Your continued blessings of your prayer and kindness just keep coming and we are strengthened by your love! I ran across this tonight – a little God Wink in my moment of tears and thought I’d share…

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of it’s strength. – Corrie ten Boom

And so I find comfort in these words and this is my song of choice tonight….

What Faith Can Do by Kutless. Wendy, this is for you too, my sweet friend… dreams that move mountains, hope that doesn’t ever end.

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Comments (11)

  • Gaby


    I’m so sorry to read this, it’s very upsetting. Only God knows what plan he has. I’ll keep praying for your strength and little Jake’s. That little boy is so strong, it’s amazing all the things that he had taught us.
    He is so blessed to have an WONDERFUL family.
    Keep us posted, and be strong for this new chapter ♥♥♥


  • Becky


    Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers, and wishing you strength for the next bit of road you will travel. Big hugs for that brave boy of yours! You’ve got this Jake! <3


  • Elisa Eddleman Oliver


    So disappointing yet so encouraging too! Still praying for healing and miracles from God. Love ya sweet friend!


  • Lesli McElroy


    Still praying! Keep the updates coming! Love you all!


  • Robyn Parker Scharlach


    I am so sorry for the news but am happy that the surgical area and liver are clear. Baby steps, baby steps. I read on another Facebook page today that cancer is a journey and you must stay the course….follow the yellow brick road, if you will. Only at the end, is not Oz the great and powerful, it is our Almighty Heavenly Father, the most powerful of all. My heart breaks for Jake and all of the children fighting this nasty disease…my prayers continue to lift you all up as you continue the fight. May many blessings come your way,


  • Jean Smith


    My prayers keep coming for Jake and the family.


  • Wendy Kardorff


    Thank you so much Mardon, you are such a dear and sweet friend. Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers and for sharing and asking everyone to pray for Sean. Thank everyone for praying for Sean, it means a lot to us. We really appreciate it. You, Jake, and your
    family will be in our prayers for this journey.


  • Lynne humphreys


    Please tell Jake that his family in CA and AZ pray for him daily. Jake has two five year old cousins here that include him in their personal prayers too. Although we really never see you guys, we love you so much Stay strong in The Lord and he will never let you down.


  • Kellie Cole


    Hi, I am a friend of Tracy Pullen’s. I don’t know Jake or your family personally but have followed your story from the beginning. I have two son’s of my own and your story has touched us all in our hearts. We will continue to pray for your strength, an infusion of God’s strength and wisdom in you al, peace in your hearts with the start of the school year, and faith in God’s will for Jake and your family. Take care.


  • kristin blanchard


    Praying for you, entire family, and precious jake. Heal Jake in Jesus name. Love and hugs my sister in Christ


  • Melissa Jenkins


    :,( I promise to be diligent in prayer for you, jake, & your family. OxOx


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