We Won’t Be Shaken

Written by Mardon Hickford. Posted in Mom's Blog

2013-05-23 11.49.10 bI invite you to hunker down and get comfy, it’s been a busy week with some good days.  Thursday we met with our Oncologist and we have a plan… it’s short term with room for deviation but it’s in place. We’ll head in for two more rounds of chemotherapy. These are drugs that Jake has not had and the hope is to continue with the whole “nuke it” theory. Strike hard from every side, with different chemotherapies, change them up, add new harder ones, and blast him again. There are different types of treatments and there is order in which they are given, sometimes they are mixed around but they try and save some of the hardest till the end as “last ditch”. We will pray we don’t get to this point but the seeds have been planted and we know what might come next, if necessary. His cancer is showing reduction but it is being resistant. They don’t believe it to be growing but at this point his bones should be showing NED, or almost NED (No Evidence of Disease).  They need this so that the Stem Cell can work on the cancer in his bone marrow and all of the tiniest undetected cells. The next two treatments will be 6 days inpatient on the chemo pole with three weeks to recover in between.  One of the drugs will likely hit his system like the last go-round, causing neutrapenic fever and a couple of weeks of unplanned hospitalization… so another words, plan on the unplanned! These added chemotherapies will add 8 – 10 weeks of treatment. When done, we will rescan and reassess where he is. If there is NED, we will head to Stem Cell. If there is still disease, we will head into MIBG. We will pray for the first for so many reasons. There are two options for MIBG – one is Dallas, one is Ohio. Dallas seems like the obvious choice, however with very limited information, Ohio has my attention – but availability could dictate. We found out today that the programs are run a bit differently. MIBG consists of extremely high doses of radioactive meds. Dallas does not allow a parent in the room with the child for at least 24 hours and then 2013-05-02 20.47.16there are “shifts” for seven days to limit the exposure as he is highly radioactive.  Had to take a moment with that one.  Due to Jake’s age, that won’t play out well. Anyone that knows him, knows that just isn’t an option, he doesn’t let me leave him, and with as much as he’s been through, I can’t blame him. Ohio’s policy is different but I don’t have all the details, I just know that the 24 hour parent/child isolation is different, and frankly I think I’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. So armed with a new battle plan, we march on! Now for some fun, good news!  Next Thursday night, dear friends are putting on a fundraiser at McDonalds on Jake’s behalf.  Here’s the information… WARRIOR JACOB NIGHT – Thursday, May 30th from 6PM-8PM at McDonald’s at 5909 FM 2920 near Kuykendahl Rd. (www.mctexas.com/31363) 25% of the sales for those two hours will go to Jake Hickford’s Medical Funds.  It’s the pick-up location for shirt orders and there will be extra shirts for sale.  If you are in the area, we’d be honored and so blessed to see you there! 2013-05-21 18.55.34-1It’s been a busy, busy week.  We’ve had field trips, field day, award ceremonies, and a 5th Grade Graduation where our Twinstinks were both voted by their classmates and awarded the Most Positive Student Award.  Considering the year we’ve had, I am the proudest mom in the whole world.  They’ve kept their heads held high, they’ve been there for Jake at every turn, prayed over him, loved him, worried over him, stayed with him at the hospital, worked hard at school and at home, cont2013-05-23 11.42.16inued on with their extra activities, all with smiles and giggles and sweet, giving hearts.  We are SO VERY PROUD and BLESSED to be their parents! On Thursday Jake was asked to be part of the Randall’s Grocery Store photo op with the Houston Chronicle as they donated over $86000 to Texas Children’s Cancer Center. What an honor! This is the thing… today the 5 year old “change of smile” happened!  You know the one… where his cute little teethy grin is gone and the fake, chin up, mouth closed, straight line grin takes over. I don’t know where the smile and tilted head has come from, but MAN! We kept telling him to show teeth, smile big! He didn’t get it. They thought he was super cute but we know what he looks like with a full-out grin so we were a little stunned at the new Jake smile. Still, he does look very Handsome! Earlier in the week we had a special play date with Pearl Elizabeth. Jake still 2013-05-21 11.48.52-1isn’t himself but we had a really nice time. It was wonderful to be able to play with another child.  Play dates are far and few between for him and right now, with his counts so low and coming off of a two week hospitalization, we had to keep it on the down low, so what better person to do this with than a friend in the same situation.  And it was really nice for us mommies, too.  This disease isn’t just isolating for our children. All of our friendships change… some are strengthened, some go into hiatus, some of them fade away, and there are some beautiful, new ones that form.  I am forever thankful for all of them, for they all have a purpose and a time. So I’ll close with some prayer requests… we ask you to pray that this round of chemo bombards every cell in his body!  That the next set of scans show NED so we can go into Stem Cell and get 2013-05-21 11.51.12-1back on track. We pray thanksgiving for those being touched by Jake’s journey.  The meals, the touching notes of encouragement, your prayers have not ceased and you have been God’s arms wrapped around us.  I pray God is blessing you with all you do to bless our family.  I ask you to pray for another one of Jake’s special friends, Patrick.  He is also fighting Neuroblastoma, is just a little older than Jake, and is the sweetest little boy.  On Jake’s birthday we were in clinic all day for transfusions and they had been playing. As Jake was recovering from access, Patrick came back over to see if Jake was ready to play again and saw how upset he was. He just sat and rubbed his little back telling him it would be OK and how he understood.  He asked, “do you need a hug, Jake?”  Jake said yes and I had to step away.  These little boys, just children, were comforting one another in a way that only the two of them can ever understand. Patrick will be heading to Dallas in June for MIBG. Please pray for him and his family.  Pray over his treatment there. Pray over his parents and the fear and unknowns that come with such a difficult treatment. Pray over all of the doctors and nurses that will care for Patrick as he will be far away from our “home hospital”.  Pray that the treatment is successful and that he too will see NED very soon.  Thank you, thank you for reading and genuinely praying for all of these things… for our family and for so many of our friends that we’ve shared with you. I’ve had this scripture swirling in my head for days as I’ve thought of how blessed we are by all of you.  “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1  For our friends, old and new, to those we’ve never met but we hold dear to our hearts, all of these friendships are changing and shaping our lives and our circumstance. Your love has strength and purpose, and we are blessed.  As always, being back home means the music is playing in the back ground and we love this one… We Won’t Be Shaken by Building 429   “What ever tomorrow brings, together we’ll rise and sing. We won’t be shaken”. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sgn5gRkZf0Y  

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Comments (1)

  • Shirley Hamilton


    Thank you so much for the reports. Praying for you and yours as well as your friends. Jer. 29:11. The plans God has for us make us what we will be when we stand before Him, Praising Him for the wonderful things He has carried us through. May you continue to find strength in His word.


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