The World of Wait

Written by Mardon Hickford. Posted in Uncategorized

Kate rodeo 2


Emmy rodeo


Well, we thought we’d have an answer today but… NO. We were asked to see Dr. Malory our Pulmonary Specialist tomorrow to check Jake’s lung function. Our surgeon still has reservations as there is “noise” or “junk” in the lungs. They have a tentative OR now scheduled for Tuesday. We still may not know have a final answer tomorrow. It’s likely they will want to see him again Monday if surgery is a possibility and mak a last-minute call. If it’s a no, we will definitely head

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in for chemo on Thursday. Our Oncologist feels that we’ll be in chemo this week, so much so, that she went ahead and put us on the docket. If we make surgery, she’ll cancel but this way we stay on track either way. So that’s the jest of it. We live in the “World of Wait”. Kind of like the World of Oz… crazy, unpredictable, always changing, new people, constant twists and turns… but in reality it’s the World of Stress. I don’t really know what to pray for tonight other than it was a good day for Jake as he took his labs like a pro with no tears… THAT is a HUGE praise! Will update again tomorrow with new news! Love and blessings to you all and Happy Rodeo’n!

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Comments (5)

  • Traci Klein


    Know God’s hand is in it all and hoping that you can feel some peace and comfort in this world of wait. Must be hard but continue to be strong as you seem to so often be, but we’re continually praying for you all. Tell Jake he remains constantly on the prayer list in one of the TLS 4th grade classes (I’m sure he’s on many, many lists) and on the hearts of us and our children every night.


  • Lee Klein Aldridge


    Thought you would enjoy the lyrics of this song it is my “right now” favorite
    Its called “Not for a Moment” by Meredeth Andrews.

    You were reaching in the dark
    Walking on the water
    Even when I could not see
    In the middle of it all
    When I thought You were a thousand miles away
    Not for a moment did You forsake me
    Not for a moment did You forsake me

    After al You are constant
    After all You are only good
    After all You are sovereign
    Not for a moment will You forsake me
    Not for a moment will You forsake me

    You were singing in the dark
    Whispering your promise
    Even when I could not hear
    I was held in your arms
    Carried for a thousand miles to show
    Not for a moment did You forsake me
    Not for a moment did You forsake me

    And every step, every breath You are there
    Every tear, every cry every prayer
    In my heart, at my worst
    When my world falls down
    Not for a moment will you forsake me
    Even in the dark
    Even when its hard
    Yu will never leave me
    After all

    After all You are constant
    After all You are only good
    After all you are sovereign
    Not for a moment will You forsake me
    Not for a moment will You forsake me

    Continuing to stand in the gap


    • Mardon Hickford


      Thank you, Lee! I love her voice!


  • Lesli McElroy


    Love you all! Praying and keep the faith!


  • Kelly Stevens


    Oh Mardon, prayers of strength and a positive spirit for you all! Hugs!


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