Stay or Go?

Written by Mardon Hickford. Posted in Hospital Stays, Mom's Blog

J and flushHere we are a week later… ((sigh))!  Jake is doing much better, his energy is returning and his mouth sores are improving.  Unfortunately, his counts aren’t climbing as fast as we’d like and here we sit.  Yesterday, his Docs allowed him to disconnect from his lines for a little while and he loved the freedom.  SO much easier to get around the room when he doesn’t have to push a big pole around!  His nurse also let him flush is own line again – which he found “really, really cool, mom”.  And she let him turn his machines back on.  For a techy kid, this kept his attention and had him asking lots of questions.  He’s actually doing well enough that our nurse had to come in and gently ask him to start turning it down a notch as he was jumping on Emma’s air mattress2013-01-21 21.41.01-1. He’s lost a little weight again and you can see it in his face most but we’ll work on fattening up once we’re home. There are a few things that Jake is struggling with that we could use prayers for… MEDICINE being the biggest.  He’s fighting us in a big way.  His taste buds are so jacked up with the chemo that many of his meds gag him.  In fact, this is affecting many of the things he drinks, as well, so getting fluids in him is a struggle.  If you will please pray specifically that he can begin to tolerate taking the medicines and mostly, pray for him to cooperate in a way that doesn’t take tears, threats, arguments and pretty much WAR between mommy and son… I would be so grateful2013-01-21 21.41.51-1. We could use some prayers for keeping him hydrated, as well.  At the moment we are unsure of how this will affect our “road map”.  We were scheduled to be inpatient for our next chemo on Thursday for 5 days.  That is pushed back for sure.  I assume this will also push his surgery that is scheduled for February 13th.  When we meet with our team later this week, we will know more and pass that information along.  For now, we are hoping, PRAYING, that tomorrow is our “lucky day”.  We’ve been hoping to go home since Sunday so I feel kinda like rolling some dice at this point – as it feels kinda like a crap shoot.  Will we stay or will we go?

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Comments (4)

  • Laura


    Glad you get to go home! Have you tried small piece of chocolate after he takes his medications? It’s supposed to help cleanse the palate….something I do with my littles ones to help keep things down! I use Hershey kisses and let them hold it so they can put it in their mouth right after and they feel like they are in control! Hope that helps! Does he like Gatorade for the fluids?


  • sheryl knotek


    Prayers going out…


  • Lisa DeLue


    Will do. So sorry he’s having such a rough time, and you, too!


  • Lisa Worthley-Hernando


    Prayers for the sweetest, bravest little boy in the whole world!!!!


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