Truth 365

Written by Mardon Hickford. Posted in Mom's Blog

Unless someone like you

Cares a whole awful lot,

Nothing is going to get better,

It’s NOT.

-Dr. Suess

I mentioned in on of my last posts that as I learn, I will share. I have more and I’d like to ask for your help once more… to pass along something special, something that will educate and inspire, and hopefully tug at your heartstrings. Our most powerful army to inform is now social media – it moves people to action faster and in ways that nothing else does. Truth 365 is a grass-roots video that has hit the media waves. ( ) The goal is to flood Facebook, Twitter, You Tube and other social media sites… to provide awareness for childhood cancer and mobilize people to act. This teenager fought and won her battle, and has vowed to do something. She is smart and brave and fighting for change. How many of us watched and felt the fear and heartache of the Kony film last year as it went viral in a matter of hours and days? Because it touched us, we passed it on. Please watch Truth 365 and SHARE IT! PLEASE PLEASE, share it! Let this film educate and instill the same passion. Let it bring change!

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I know it’s lengthy but it’s important. It’s relevant, it’s real life and it’s happening right here in our country, our communities. It’s not just about Jake, it’s about so many children… 35000 children. If you don’t have time to watch the whole thing, skip around, you’ll miss a lot, but every part of it has impact, you’ll get something no matter where you land. Then go to

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the end, find out what you can do. It’s not hard or time-consuming, a few minutes of your time could be the beginning of making HUGE change…. changing the statistics, changing a dismal 4% . Childhood cancer is unpredictable and can affect any child… it could be your neighbor, your best friend’s child, your student, your family member. Our children are gifts from God, He only asks us to love them, to protect them… please help them!

Did you know???

  • In the past 20 years ONLY ONE new cancer drug has been approved for pediatric cancer. The drugs that currently treat childhood cancers were discovered 30 – 40 years ago and these drugs are toxic to the extent of causing future cancers and significant, permanent side effects. Many of these side effects are not seen in adults, only children, yet they continue to use these drugs, rather than develop newer, better, safer ones.
  • 35,000 children are currently in treatment for cancer.
  • Cancer success rates are based on 5 year survival rates, they are not a lifetime survival rate. Much of this due to the lack of treatment options, drugs, and new trials.
  • Nearly 2/3 of survivors experience later significant and chronic medical problems or develop secondary cancers that result from the treatment of their original cancer.
  • The causes of most pediatric cancers remain a mystery and cannot be prevented.
  • The average age of death for a child with cancer is 8. At least 25 percent of all children with cancer die.
  • Researchers estimate that 51% of moms and 40% of dads who have a child with cancer meet the criteria for “Acute Stress Disorder” within two weeks of the cancer diagnoses.

Please share Jake’s page so others will know, then view this film at You can also follow them on Facebook.

And here are a couple of other resources…

Since someone like you,

Cares a whole awful lot,

It’s going to get better.

It will.

-Katie, from Truth 365


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