Round 2

Written by Mardon Hickford. Posted in Hospital Stays, Mom's Blog

We waited most of Friday morning for the call that Jake’s room was ready, which was a good thing considering Thursday was so busy and I didn’t get much packing done – so I was able to play catch up. When we finally got to the hospital we found that we weren’t ready to start his chemo meds because his urine was too concentrated – so we ended up hydrating him all night with IV fluids. Nothing harmful, but it means a longer stay. Evidently the pump with TPN that he’s been on has a tendancy to do this, especially if he isn’t drinking a lot on his own – which he hasn’t been. But everything checked out by Saturday morning and off we went… round 2! And so far, a very good round 2 it has been. He’s eating, the nausea is controlled perfectly, he’s happy, and he hasn’t had any pricks! Yet. Those are coming on Wednesday morning as he will finish each chemo round with a Nulasta shot to help rebuild cells, and this time they want to add a flu shot – ugh! (The Nulasta is a painful shot and it causes bone pain so it isn’t fun.) But so far this round has been different and better! I think round 1 started off on the wrong foot for so many reasons. We were fresh out of surgery, as in few days fresh, so his little body was still recovering, and he went into chemo 1 with fever. This time, his body was as ready as it could be. We’ve had some visitors that we’ve enjoyed seeing and he also has a friend this visit that we’ve been able to spend some time with… Pearl! She is such a doll and it helps to have a playmate while he’s here. We’ve taken walks and played in the play room and it’s been really nice to have another mom to talk to. I’ve also noticed that our son has a crush. Nurse Stacey has his attention and out of all of our nurses he has really taken to her. They’ve talked dinosaurs and he likes to go on walks in the hall so he can “find” her. Mrs. Jeanne gave him the coolest, walking, roaring, eyes that light up, remote control dino and he’s

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taken to the halls with it. In fact, he wanted to go find Nurses Shelly and Brandy to show them too. But Stacey is THE one! She gives him fist bumps, tells him how cute he is, and that he’s her favorite… he BEAMS! The GOOD NEWS… he’s done so well he’s actually put on a pound and if all continues, we’ll go home WITHOUT the TPN pump! Woo hoo… the port will be de-accesed. He can have a bath… a REAL, dunk him in the water, no fear of tubes getting wet, BATH! Jakey will smell so good by the time I’m done with him.

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Comments (6)

  • Crissy


    What a blessing to have you guys as well! We cant wait to see yall again this week and play again! <3


  • Sherwin


    Yea! So glad to hear that Round 2 is going better – for all of you – prayers are being heard! Hugs to all!!


  • Elisa


    So glad this round has been better for Jake!! We continue to pray for you all and are thankful for the updates!! Our family sent a “Tom & Jerry” and a “Neverland” DVD to your home address. Hopefully, Jake will get some good belly laughs from watching them!! <3


  • Lisa DeLue


    How fantastic that this round is going well! We’ve been thinking about him and how it was going. Praying for continued good results…Much love from all our family!


  • Rebecca


    I am so happy to hear that he is doing so well! What a blessing! I will give you a call when we get into Houston on Friday.


  • Erin


    This is so AWESOME. I am so happy it is going well this time. Praise God!! Praying for continued healing!!


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