Goin’ GOLD in September

Written by Mardon Hickford. Posted in Uncategorized

J and Gold in Sep 16First piece of business… Jake didn’t make counts for this week’s chemo admission. In fact, he lost ground for some reason. Last week his ANC was in the 900’s – not great but fine. Today, he’s neutrapenic again at 480, even his platelets took a dip. Strange, but we’ll head to clinic again Thursday and shoot for chemo next Monday.

Now for some important stuff (in my mind anyway – grins!) Thought I’d put a shout out on something near and dear to our hearts… September is Childhood Cancer Awareness. I know, it’s only July but it will be here soon! We all know how fast these last few weeks of summer go and then BOOM! Fall is here, we’re back into our school routines, little leagues, even holiday preps. The thing is that everyone knows what the pink ribbon signifies. It is a huge and needed accomplishment for breast cancer. But very few people know what the gold ribbon represents. We NEED to change that! There is a J and Gold in Sept11movement throughout the childhood cancer community to turn September GOLD! Everything from the White House, to the NFL/MLB to all of the community centers, libraries, police stations, neighborhood club houses, bridges, businesses, restaurants, little leagues, everything that illuminates, everywhere that people gather, big and small. Change out light bulbs, organizations and sports teams wear ribbons, hang a gold cancer ribbon flag, post something on your work, church, neighborhood marquees… get the word out! Now is the time to make plans, September will be too late. I’m sure my FB page sounds like a broken record. There are probably quite a few people who are tired of seeing Gold in September posts, I can’t stop. It’s important. And since many people read this site that aren’t on my FB, I must share here too. My son’s life and all of these kids, are special and deserve to be seen as the J and Gold in Sept2GOLD that they are! So here’s a link to a petition to let the NFL/MLB know that we want, WE NEED their support. They wear PINK in October, why not GOLD in September? Millions of people tune in each week and their help would bring such awareness. Here is the link to just one of the petitions http://www.change.org/petitions/nfl-mlb-wear-gold-for-september-for-childhood-cancer-awareness-month

2013-07-07 13.04.26I also ask that if you know of anyone, please do what you can. Just ask! Some are planning gold uniform socks, little ribbons for the attendees in the stands, painted gold ribbon tattoos on arms and helmets. It’s not just about the big venues, it’s very much grassroots, right here in our backyards. Ask your neighborhood club house, your kid’s soccer, football, baseball and cheer teams. Ask your business if they will consider something on their webpage, their marquee, something outside of their business – like light bulbs or a flag. We have our yard flag ready thanks to Angels Making A Difference. (If you’d like one too, here’s the link http://www.angelsmakingadifference.com/product/misc/childhood-cancer-awareness-garden-flag/ ) NOTHING is too small and our kids like being involved, their little hearts and ideas are so much bigger than we realize. Let them run with their ideas and ask people they know too. Another thing I’d like to share is ProJeKT 3000. This young man is biking 3000 miles across country this summer to raise awareness for pediatric cancer and raise $15000 for childhP3000bikeood cancer research… his personal specialty is Neuroblastoma (which certainly brings him near and dear to us). He’s riding strong, visiting local hospitals, and sharing real kid’s stories with everyone he meets along the way. … Less that $5200 has come in and his ride ends July 12th. This is the sad reality of childhood cancer fundraising and why there is so little funding for research. Navid packed up his bike with water, camping gear, photo equipment, everything he would need – it’s heavy and cumbersome but he’s doing it… even through the deserts of AZ and the fires of CO, rain, heat, and rocks to the head by passing truckers. It has been a remarkable thing to watch his daily trials of joy and difficulty, physical pain and personal triumph. Here is the FB page and website https://www.facebook.com/ProJeKt3K?fref=ts . He has posted a handful of videos along the way and here is one he put together one night while resting that honors our little fighters and includes Jake. https://www.facebook.com/ProJeKt3K/app_57675755167 Last week, he asked for those following him, if so moved, to give up one fast food meal for P3000 3the week, just $5. Please consider giving up one of your lunches this week and sponsor this cause! It will make a difference! It will go to the right place!

So, now that I’ve spewed ALL sorts of things at you today… THANK YOU for sticking with me and reading this. Please pray for Navid as he makes this last leg of his trip. It’s been grueling and exciting, and certainly life changing for him and for those of us
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watching him endure and succeed. I know this was a LOT of information. If you take one piece of it today and do something with it, you’ve helped!



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