Good Day!

Written by Mardon Hickford. Posted in Uncategorized

2013-07-04 22.26.02Today was the first day in weeks that Jake did NOT need his port accessed! Thanking God for this day! They don’t come often but when they do, RELIEF! His little chest port is so riddled with needle pokes but today it got a break! It’s been a month since his last chemotherapy and he’s needed transfusions every time we go in f2013-07-04 22.31.06or Clinic (that equates to 2-3 transfusions a week BTW). Today he didn’t need one. His ANC isn’t great but counts are trending up… HIGH FIVE (or three)! We’ll soon knock them to the ground again but at least we have a few days of him feeling really good before we sock it to him with his next round of chemo. When Shelly ca2013-07-04 22.07.34-1me over to tell me “you don’t need to stay

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for lunch” – joke – I bet my “YES!!” could be heard across the infusion room. I was starting to second guess my decision to venipuncture him since his little arms are tracked up as bad as his port but in the end, God winked BIG TIME, and we left early today! As for July 4th, it was full of fire IMG_2421crackers and laughter! Couldn’t ask for a better night. And I have pics to share! I also have a few other photos. The other day, Mommy had a full blown, could not function, allergy attack, so Jake went to Mrs. Sarah’s to make homemade ice cream. Jake and Maddi are so cute together. When he’s at home, he’s the boss. Lem StandNo doubt. But when he’s at IMG_2416Maddi’s… not so much. And he doesn’t seem to mind. (BIG grins.) That says a lot!

Also today, I got some text pictures from one of my best girlfriends, Kristel. Seems they were having a Lemonade Stand in Jake’s honor. TIMG_2424ake a look! They are the prettiest, kindest, funnest, (yes, funnest!), most generous young ladies. I hear it was Samantha’s sweet idea! Samantha, Kiersten, Emma, Sydney, Kaitlin and Julia, I just want to kiss and hug all over you! And Kiersten, Jake has not forgotten about your dino date – he’s counting on it very soon.

So, there it is! It was a GOOD DAY, which concluded in a 2013-07-05 11.57.59blittle Ben & Jerry’s as we left the med center and as my friend, Phil Robertson says (wink, wink), that made us “Happy, Happy, Happy!”. Nite Y’all!


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